Tea-flower Shawl
This is a fairly light, delicate-looking but pretty quick to make shawl. I got the pattern from Mijocrochet (for free! So cool!) : check it out!
I'm crocheting this in tones of cream out of the same kind of cotton I used for my completed blanket. It might end up being a gift for my grandma. We shall see!
Granny Square Cardigan
Basically what it says on the tin. I'm making a bunch of granny squares out of a wool/polyester blend (closest thing I could find to actual wool), and then I'll sew or crochet them together to make a cardi. I'm making it dark green because I like green :)
Bronze Pink Fingerless Gloves
I was going to make a pure wool vest thing for my mum to keep her warm in her freezing office during the winter, but she doesn't want one! So I'm making shiny elbow-length gloves for myself instead. I'm also planning on making a shiny golden crop top. Both sets of items are for clubbing.
Crocheting continuous cloth made entirely out of the same stitch is easy, as it turns out. I thought it would be too boring and I wouldn't be able to focus on it properly, but it turns out it's fine.
Granny Square Blanket
I made this between April and December 2023. I was spending a lot of time on the computer for my degree, and I needed to do something with my hands to ground me in meatspace.
From the beginning, this was going to be a gift for my grandma, both because I wanted to connect with her over something, and because she's one of the few people I know irl who understand how long it takes to finish a project like this! I had planned a series of blue and white stripes based on my grandma's name, but I only got about halfway through before it became apparent that if I kept going the blanket would be unmanageably big. Also: I ran out of time.
As it is, the blanket ended up being a square roughly 1.50 meters to a side, weighing 1.05 kg. It was made of 100% cotton (so it would be durable and easy to wash) and a 3mm hook.
Bi Flag Shawl
Knitted shawl made out of 100% polyester. Originally, the plan was to make myself a bi flag instead of buying one, so I could go to 2021's Pride and be able to demonstrate my allegiances, as it were. In the end, it took me a full year longer than planned, and then I still didn't go to Pride in 2022.
It's alright, though, because I just use it as a shawl around the house. The only person I live with who knows what it means is my brother. Everyone else thinks it's just a weirdly gaudy shawl I made for myself despite owning approximately zero other pink items of clothing. It lets me feel smug about shoving my bisexuality in everyone's faces without them actually realising what I'm doing! (I know this is self-contradictory. Just let me have this. I am surrounded by people who don't know what the bi flag is)
Fuck-off Big Scarf
This is the first thing I completed! It's a knitted scarf I made circa 2020. I made it using 100% polyester wool that I got from Aldi.
The grey bit was actually even longer than it is here, because during the first lockdown I took to knitting while watching TV in the middle of the night. One night, I spent like 8 hours semi-dissociating, watching Community, and when I came to it was 3 am and I had knit like a third again of the grey section.
The final scarf is more than twice as long as I am tall, and when I wear it my head looks like it's the same size as my torso. I love it, and I definitely never wear it.
I'm probably going to turn it into a blanket at some point, but for now I'm just happy to have an item of clothing that makes me look completely mad :)
Neocities default tips
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image: